Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Prioritising your gift of 24 hours daily.

I just realised how many people out there, are so poor at time management, that they leave out doing the important things until they become urgent.

Here's a little twist on how we should be spending out time daily.

Typical work day:-

7 hours sleep inclusive of meditation, prayer etc
1 hour exercise
2 hours personal grooming time - morning and night
2 hours commute - to and fro work and audio learning a new skill
10 hours present at your work place
1 hour dinner
1 hour family time with spouse and kids.

So what about the typical weekend, when you have 12 hours saved from your commuting and work hours?

There are only 4 things we need to take care off with the free time we have...

a) the non urgent not important things - we delegate it or pay people to do for us
b) the non urgent but important things - we spend 20% of our time, so it does not get urgent
c) the urgent but not important things - we spend 20% of our time to get it done
d) the urgent and important things - we spend 60% of our time to fix this. Well if it was that important in the first place, we should have taken care of it when it was not urgent, to reduce our stress!.

So if you fail to plan, you have planed to fail!

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