Sunday, June 29, 2008

Getting paid for sharing your area of expertise

I met up with Dana this afternoon and shared with her about 2 of the ebooks I have written and sold online over the last 1 year.

The first ebook I wrote was on How to get refunds from Public Listed companies and the second ebook was The Guide to Mystery Shopping in Malaysia and Brunei.

The first ebook was all about the philosophies about complaints and a collection of emails I wrote to companies like AirAsia, Carrefour and Telekom Malaysia. This ebook was sold for just RM7 or US$2 and most people who bought this ebook, have some unresolved complaints and were looking for some tips.

The second ebook and most recent was about how to get paid to shop at Body Shop, pump petrol at Exxon Mobil and eat at KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, A & W and Sushi King in Malaysia and Brunei. This ebook is priced at RM97 as with this ebook, I reveal the 2 best companies that have the most assignments and many secrets that has earned me between RM500 and RM1,500 monthly over the last 5 months.

Most people are experts in their fields, having done the same job or hobby for the last 5, 10 and even 20 years. And people are willing to buy your story, if only you can put your thoughts and experiences into the written word.

Will you try and have some hope for succees?. Well if you don't try, you have certainly failed anyway.

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