Sunday, September 23, 2007

Get this MUST have software for free!

Tim Brocklehurst,author of The Upward Spiral and creator of the MyViralSpiral software for automating your list-building, has just released a free trialversion.And its unlike most free trials.

This one gives you the whole program, with all the bells and whistles, and with no restrictions on time. The only difference is that you can only build a list of 50 with it - after thatyou will need to upgrade to the real thing.

A list of 50 double-opt-ins...! Not a bad start eh?! All I can say is don't delay on this - act now before Tim takes it down again, software as powerful as this doesn't come around for free very often.

Here's where you need to go:

Hope you can act fast.

To your success
Ignatius Kraal

PS: If, after you've installed your free trial, you can build a list of 50 in three days, you'll get a 25% discount on the fullversion... its nuts! Go here now:

PPS: Heri Rosyadi built a list of 1,200 in 5 days with this software, and others too have achieved similar fetes. If you want a boost for your business. This is it! Read all about it at this link...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What's the Rush - only if you like Traffic

Targetted Traffic is everything, if you plan to make some serious money online.

So what's the Rush?. Traffic of course. And this new site called Blogrush does exactly what you want - leverage your time and blogs to create traffic for you.

If you have a blog, its free to signup, and you can start earning credits which is then used to display your blogs on the other millions of blogs online.

Click here now Blogrush and start receiving the rush of traffic!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Will you believe if you see?

Well I signed up for clixsense in Feb 2007, and by May, I cashed out USD10 and by Sept USD20.

If you like or even dislike Cash Cliques, here's an even better pay to read (PTR) program -

Here's the Clixsense benefits -
a) Earn 10 cents for Every free member you refer
b) PTR clicks from 1-10 cents per 30 second adverts
c) No limit on the number of PTR daily - average 20 daily
d) 40% ads only shown to Premium members
e) Premium membership $10 p.a, with referrals earning you $5.

Check it out, and signup for free, play with it and if you like you can upgrade later to premium. Click here now -

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Highest one day sales hit on Aug 29th, 2007

Wow Aug 29 I hit my best ever one day online sales RM2,000. Small amount for some people, but if I can consistently do this for 30 days, or RM60,000 sales while sitting at home, its nice right!.

I woke up and got an sms, that someone transfered $ to my bank RM100+. Then at noon, got another call and another RM800+ transfered to my bank. then At 5pm, yet another call, someone transfered another RM900+. And to finish off the night, an email that someone transfered RM200+ to my bank.

RM2,000 per day or RM60,000 monthly - so little you may say. Well I earned between 30-100% of this amount, and it's all done online, with people viewing my free advertisements, and then trusting me by sending me their $ before getting any of my products into their hands.

I am confident more people will go online with an intention to buy something...and I am ready to offer my products and services 24/7. What about you?

Feed Shark