Friday, June 06, 2008

Fuel, Food, Rice, Electricity up, Earnings up too

June 5, 2008 will long be remembered as the day when Malaysians either decide to spend wisely or wise up to earn more!.

With petrol prices up 40%, diesel up 61% and electricity soon going up 18%, the projected inflation rate will increase from 3% to 8% in the very near future. How much will it affect you?.

Well everyone has 2 choices - cut back on the non essentials (if any is left) or just find ways to earn more money!. I have been telling friends all this while, use your 1 hour daily to learn a new skill and start a networking or internet business.

In 3-5 years, you could have a passive business income of a few (or tens of) thousands monthly. And with some extra money, you have more options open up to you, e.g. property rentals, nicer holidays, having your kids in the best schools or even quitting your dead end job and spending quality time with your family or doing the things you love, not the things you have to.

At the recent T Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive weekend, only 5 types of businesses that can give a Passive Business Income were recommended
1) Royalty from books, songs etc
2) Property rentals - positive cash flows
3) An automated Internet Business
4) Being a Franchisor (not Franchisee) - I am looking for Bioslife Franchisors
5) Getting in a MLM company - I do the Unicity Networking business

If you would like to explore options 3, 4 or 5, I would be pleased to share more with you on how to have fun earning some extra money from today.

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